Preface to the First Edition - Die to Live

Preface to the First Edition

“Die to LIVE and LIVE forever,” we are told by our Master. Satsangis, his initiates, daily die to this world in their meditation. Daily they rehearse for that inevitable final departure. But now, with their Master always with them, they travel those regions of Light and Sound through the Celestial Spheres of the creation within, back to the level of the Father, back to their Divine Source. Through meditation, and with the grace of the Master, the purpose of human birth is fulfilled, and the soul, liberated for eternity, is taken back to Him for whom it has been yearning since its separation. Hence, the theme of all Saints and Masters is to attend to meditation.

This book, then, has its conception in our Master’s exhortation to attend to meditation. Its intent is to explain what meditation is, and to dispel any doubts, questions, and apprehensions a seeker may have regarding meditation. It states clearly the Master’s teachings about how we must conduct our lives to make meditation our foremost and primary concern.

The sequence of the book is designed to guide the disciple through all phases of meditation, from managing one’s daily activities to creating the right atmosphere for meditation, from actually attending to the practice to realizing and understanding the effects of meditation.

Then the Master gives us encouragement as we follow the Path. He tells us that controlling the mind, as each disciple quickly becomes aware, is no small task. To withdraw one’s consciousness and reach back to the level of the Father is the most difficult and the highest of all goals to achieve. So the Master comforts us by providing insight into our plight. He gives a perspective to our journey as he guides us with his grace at every step on our Path Homeward.

The original manuscript for this much needed and highly appreciated work was brought into being by Arnold Howard of the United States. The immense task of gathering, accurately transcribing, organizing and typing the material taken from the tapes of the past decade of the evening meetings held at the International Guest House at the Dera in India was commendably carried out.

The manuscript was then reorganized, additionally edited, and prepared for publication in its present form by Dr. James Said and his wife, Connie, of U.S.A. More recorded material was included by Mr. Virendra Kumar Sethi of Indore and Miss Anthea Guinness of U.S.A. Subsequently, the entire manuscript was thoroughly checked by Professor M.S. Bhatnagar and Miss Louise Hilger at the Dera, and the latter saw the volume through the press.

The format for this book, consisting entirely of questions from disciples regarding meditation, followed by Master’s answers, has been designed in an attempt to retain the fresh and spontaneous atmosphere of the meetings, as well as the profoundly and lucidly beautiful truths spoken by the Master. To all those involved with bringing this work to completion, we are deeply grateful.

S. L. Sondhi
August 1, 1978
Radha Soami Satsang Beas