Hospitals - RSSB


One of Maharaj Jagat Singh Medical Relief Society's ambulances.

Maharaj Jagat Singh Medical Relief Society (MJSMRS) was established as a registered Society in November 1978, with its head office at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas, Punjab, India.

The Society aims to provide free medical care primarily through four hospitals, which are located in geographic areas in northern India that lack adequate public and private medical services. The four hospitals are: Maharaj Sawan Singh Charitable Hospital, Beas (Punjab), Maharaj Charan Singh Charitable Hospital, Sikanderpur (Haryana), Bhota Charitable Hospital, Bhota (Himachal Pradesh) and Dera Hospital (Beas). These hospitals aim to provide high quality medical care, completely free of charge. They serve patients without recognizing any distinctions such as caste, creed, religion, race, or economic status. They are equipped to provide outpatient, inpatient, and emergency services and to comply diligently with all national and state regulatory norms for bio-medical waste disposal, blood bank, pharmaceutical stocking, dispensing of narcotic drugs, PNDT (prenatal diagnostic techniques), air and water pollution prevention, AERB norms (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board) for secure use of X-rays and radiological equipment, etc. In addition, the Society also runs a free outpatient dispensary at Pusa Road and Bhati, New Delhi.

Staff housing, Beas

The medical and support staff at each hospital are provided housing, meals, and support for children’s education. At each hospital, there is a shopping complex that provides for basic daily needs. There is a staff dining facility and day-care crèche on campus for young children of working couples.

Staff creche, Sikanderpur

Free schooling for children of the hospital staff is provided at the Dera Beas Pathseekers School. The children of hospital staff are provided with educational allowances and monetary incentives for meritorious achievement. At all campuses, recreational and sports facilities are available, and family get-togethers and social events are organized from time to time to build a congenial environment and nurture the talents of staff and child.

Life Is Precious
Life Is Precious is a one-hour documentary video showing the history and activities of the Maharaj Jagat Singh Medical Relief Society. The video presents the story behind the four charitable hospitals built by this Society, and the selfless service they offer to humanity.  The film is focused on various aspects of health care, while expressing the core philosophy of the society: Love for the Creator and his creation.

Click below to view or download. Also available on RSSB YouTube Channel.

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MJSMRS operates four hospitals and three outpatient dispensaries:

Maharaj Sawan Singh Charitable Hospital, Beas

The Maharaj Sawan Singh Charitable Hospital Beas is a 300-bed charitable hospital located on thirty-five acres of land, situated on the Grand Trunk Road, midway between Amritsar and Jalandhar.
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Maharaj Charan Singh Charitable Hospital, Sikanderpur

The Maharaj Charan Singh Charitable Hospital is a 50-bed hospital built on nineteen acres of land at Sikanderpur, District Sirsa (Haryana), providing medical services for 92 surrounding villages.
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Bhota Charitable Hospital, Bhota, Himachal Pradesh

The Bhota Charitable Hospital, Bhota, is a 75-bed hospital situated on forty-four acres of land, at the crossing of the Shimla–Dharamshala and Una–Mandi roads.
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Dera Hospital, Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Beas

The Dera Hospital is situated on 4.63 acres in the heart of the Dera. It serves the Dera residents and visiting sangat and sevadars, providing outpatient and emergency services.
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