General Satsang Information - RSSB

General Satsang Information

Latest India Travel Protocols

Satsang programs by the Master are held at Dera Baba Jaimal Singh in Beas, Punjab; at locations around India, and at locations around the world. The guidelines for attending these satsangs are different for resident Indians, non-resident Indians (NRIs), and non-Indians. (Non-Indian visitors from overseas, including those not initiated, may attend Master’s satsangs held outside of Dera, but only at Delhi and Mumbai and not at any other location in India.) All visitors must make their own accommodations and transportation arrangements at venues outside of Dera as there are no accommodations available. You may consult your local satsang secretary for specific detailed guidelines and information.

Designated Yearly Satsang Programs in India
For information concerning satsangs at Dera and in locations around India, see "Satsang Schedules" or you may phone Sewa Samiti directly at Dera for information relating to satsang and Naam Daan programs: +91 1853 289200.

Overseas Satsang Venues

For weekly/monthly satsang locations and information globally (outside of India), click the following link: Satsang Venues

Satsang Tour Programs Abroad (outside of India)
The Master often travels to countries outside of India to hold satsang. These satsang programs abroad are not openly publicized as they are intended only for people in the designated countries.

Dera Accommodations Information
Accommodations at Dera are available for resident Indians, NRIs, and initiated non-Indians but only during the designated satsang periods. Accommodations for guests include Hostels (rooms with beds, bedding, and attached baths), or in Sarais (large dormitory-style rooms with communal bathrooms (for Indian visitors only – guests must bring their own bedding). Accommodations are allocated based on availability, so everyone must be prepared to share a room with their spouse, family member(s), or if single, another person(s) of the same gender.

Resident Indians visiting Dera
Information concerning visits to Dera, as well as an Accommodation Request Form, can be obtained from your local satsang centre. Accommodation requests should be made a minimum of 3 to 4 months in advance. Accommodation Request Forms should be sent by post to: Accommodation Department, Dera Baba Jaimal Singh, Radha Soami Satsang Beas, Distt. Amritsar, Punjab 143204. Everyone must bring with them a valid photo ID giving their age and address. Visitors who do not book accommodations in advance will only be allocated accommodations based on availability.

NRIs from outside India visiting Dera
Complete information concerning the guidelines for NRIs who wish Dera accommodation can be obtained from any satsang centre in countries outside of India. Every country has an NRI Accommodations Coordinator who is authorized to make online reservations for the sangat abroad. Requests for accommodations must go through the NRI Coordinator and be made at least 60 days in advance. When checking in at Dera, NRIs must provide proof of residency abroad and a passport in order to obtain an NRI ID card. All NRIs must have resided outside of India for at least six months. NRIs should not arrive at Dera without having made a reservation. Accommodations will be allotted depending on availability. Complete information concerning the guidelines for NRIs wanting Dera accommodation can be obtained from any satsang centre in countries outside of India.

NRIs planning to be accompanied by relatives who live in India are advised that their relatives must apply for accommodations separately, as resident Indians, from their own address in India.

Initiates of non-Indian origin visiting Dera
Visitors from abroad of non-Indian origin must be initiated before they can visit Dera and are permitted to attend only one of the four special sessions in a year designated for non-Indian guests. Accommodation reservations must be made in advance through the eReservation system. Information on how a non-Indian initiate can make an accommodation reservation for Dera, and complete information concerning the guidelines for visiting Dera, can be obtained from any satsang centre in countries outside of India.