Everything we perceive with our senses is just a projected image. There is the light in the projector: that’s the One Being. Then there’s the film through which the light shines: that’s the mind. And then there’s the screen on which the projected images appear: that’s this world.

And us? We are the light, of the same essence as the One Being. So we, with our minds, are a part of the projection system. We are conscious beings, and everything is a projection of the One Conscious Being, the Universal Consciousness. Switch off the light in the projector and everything disappears.

It’s just an example, of course. Just a concept or perspective. So it has its imperfections. The projection system is not a static affair. It is multidimensional and supremely dynamic. And there is a progressive hierarchy of screens on which the images are projected. As the light moves out from its Source, each screen and its images become increasingly more dense and less subtle. These are the so-called higher worlds or heavens, with the final and most dense screen being the material world.

The screens themselves are also projected from the Source, as too are all the images appearing on them. So the imagery has its limitations. But maybe it gives us an idea of how everything comes into being, and how all the little beings are a part of the process by which the cosmos is projected and sustained.

What we call science is the analysis of the image that appears on the final screen, the material screen of sensory perception, of sensory experience. And the instrument of that analysis – the reasoning aspect of the mind and brain – is itself a part of the projection process, though barely distinguishable from the material screen itself.

So there is no external material world that is entirely separate from us. Our sensory experience of the material world is the material world. Or our personal version of it, for it’s an entirely subjective experience. That’s why we can never be certain that you and I have the same experience when looking at the same thing. But because we are both integral parts of the projection system (along with all the other little beings, human or otherwise), there are sufficient similarities or points of common reference in our shared experience to make us think that there is a real external world out there that we are both perceiving. In fact, we are all swimming in an ocean of being, an ocean of consciousness. And we perceive things according to the subjective mental movie that plays continuously within ourselves.

But again, it’s all just a concept – a way of trying to describe the essentially indescribable. The concept is itself just another part of the dancing image on the screen.

There’s another way of looking at it. Another example or concept. The One Being is the ultimate energy source, the central powerhouse. And He is conscious energy, too. Don’t forget that. His energy is imbued with an intelligence and wisdom way beyond human capacity to grasp. So He projects Himself as a series of energy levels. His one energy dances outwards into a multiplicity of forms – of forms that we perceive, since we are a part of this projected energy dance. And the bottom end of this beam of energy is what we call the material world. It’s nothing but a dance of energy in which we are intimately involved as participating beings.

There are strong indications in modern physics both of this energy dance and of our participation in it. For a start, when we examine matter, we find that it is intensely energetic. Nothing remains still. All material substance, however solid and stationary it may appear, is actually seething with activity at the subatomic level. Matter is energy, as Einstein figured out, and as we see in nuclear explosions. Yet no one can say where all this constantly available and ultradynamic energy is coming from.

And then there’s the seemingly weird phenomenon by which the act of observation influences what is being observed. This means that nothing really has an objective state, independent of the observer. There are plenty of books covering the subject if you want to know more about that one.

So there we have it. Us and our world. A vibrant, constantly moving image projected on a screen, or a projected energy dance. And the primal light in the system or the primeval energy of the dance is the conscious light or energy of the One Being.

But these are only human concepts, spun out in the human mind. They will appeal to some, and not to others. Either way, such concepts do little justice to the actual transcendent reality of the One.

So bearing this view of things in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the fundamentals of the material universe as described by science. We can begin by examining the extraordinary way in which the ‘laws of nature’ seem to indicate that the very fabric of the universe supports our existence. And then we can take a peek at the supremely cooperative way in which living organisms themselves have kept our planetary biosphere habitable for hundreds of millions of years.