There was no place, there was no time,
Only He dwelt within Himself;
He alone, and One complete:
Just Him, no other, only One.

He was but Love, and only Love;
Yet, of Himself, He only knew –
A hidden treasure, known to One:
Just Him, no other, only One.

A desire surged within the One;
He in Himself perceived Himself,
Wanting only to be known:
Just One, no other, only One.

The desire gained strength,
Resolve, and will;
Then a Song formed within Himself:
One Song, no other, only One.

The Song went forth,
It sang and played;
Music made form within the One:
Still One, no other, only One.

Form made forms;
They grew and danced;
An image each, within the One,
Of One, no other, only One.

But, as they danced,
The forms forgot
The One within who made them dance:
Still One, no other, only One.

Yet some considered, as they danced,
Whether there might be somewhere,
Some time, some place, somehow,
Some One, no other, only One.

The Hidden Treasure smiled within,
His purpose now come into view;
He bent His Song to sing to them
One Song, no other, only One.

They heard the Song,
Received the Call,
And, listening intently, sang
His age-old Song, no other, only One.

And now, the treasure all around –
Love’s Song sings no other sound –
The images in One have found
There is no other, only One.

There is no place, there is no time,
Only He dwells within Himself;
He alone, and One complete:
Just Him, no other, only One.