Preface to the First Edition - The Science of the Soul

Preface to the First Edition

Our two recent publications, that is, Spiritual Gems and Light on Sant Mat, have been received with considerable enthusiasm and there has been a constant and overwhelming demand for literature, such as is to be found therein, both by seekers and satsangis as well as lovers of spiritual knowledge in India and abroad.

Encouraged by their appreciation, we are now presenting to the reader a collection, in book form, of well-reasoned and illuminating discourses, and excerpts from letters and talks by Maharaj Jagat Singh Ji. He was, as the reader is no doubt now aware of, a Professor of Science, and his writings and talks have a scientific background.

Excerpts from letters, it may be added, were selected by Maharaj Charan Singh Ji personally and the book is published under his scrutiny and care.

It is hoped that the book will be read with advantage by persons interested in spiritual advancement.

R. D. Ahluwalia
Radha Soami Satsang Beas
October, 1959