- Spiritual Link
Spiritual Link
In the World But Not of It
I speak and yet I am silent;
I have died, but am alive;
I live among people,
though in truth, I do not;
I appear to enjoy,
but in fact have renounced;
I am in the world,
and yet out of it;
I have broken free of all bonds.
I am not what I appear to be, O Tuka.
You want to know?
Ask the Lord what I really am.
Tukaram, Saint of Maharashtra
Q: Master, is it possible to turn from rocky to completely fertile [ground] in one life?
A: He knows best. He can do anything.
He can take you right from the barren ground to his own level.
The Lord can make a king of anyone.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Light on Saint Matthew
Volume 6 · Issue 8
Rise, O moon, and spread your light across the heavens; the stars remember you in silent prayers, their hearts glimmering with hope …
The Buddha told a story about a young man who had a beautiful wife and son …
I speak and yet I am silent; I have died, but am alive; I live among people, though in truth, I do not; I appear to enjoy, but in fact have …
What a wonderful thing music is in our lives! ABBA certainly got it right when they wrote that line thanking someone for the gift of music …
The previous Master used to love using the words of other mystics to explain Sant Mat …
When we apply for initiation we have to realize the importance of our commitment to this path …
Everything starts with the Master’s grace. And by his grace we have satsang …
Whosoever has come to satsang has been spoiled …
Back in the seventeenth century, the English poet John Milton went blind when he was still relatively young …
“Death teaches us not to place our reliance on the flesh but on God. Therefore Death is a friend,” the Master said …
Some years back a newspaper columnist compared life to a game in which we are juggling five balls in the air …
A man once caught a bird. The bird said to him, “I am no use to you as a captive …
An accountancy lecturer wrote a column in a monthly publication with the heading: ‘Straight or Crooked Thinking?’ …
Most people spend their entire lives imprisoned within the confines of their own thoughts …
For a satsangi, a spiritual “message” – for instance, the need to keep our minds uncluttered – can sometimes be found in the most unexpected …
Jap Ji – A Perspective …