Letter from the Master
You say you are not much encouraged with your meditations. You should devote more time to the practises, until thoughts cease and soul and mind collect in the eye centre and then go inward. All knowledge is within. As long as the mind wavers, it is not seen, just as one cannot see his reflection in muddy and disturbed water. Our minds are dirty with low and outward desires, and are constantly wavering. They are ignorant of what lies within. Concentration is the first step of the soul’s inward journey.
Repetition of the holy names during one’s daily routine work is very useful. One is thinking about a thing within oneself; therefore, when one sits for devotional practices, the mind is naturally turned in this direction.…
When you have controlled the mind and it raises no thought, but is lost in the sound current, you will then see spiritually within. As you have such an earnest desire for going within and seeing the Master, rest assured that you will one day succeed. Increase time for devotional exercises.
Knowledge is within you. Sound current is the knowledge. Sound current is independent of its surroundings. It stands by itself. It is the essence, and all else sprang from it. Humanity is entangled with matter and does not even study the mind, not to mention the sound current or the spirit behind the mind. On account of its association with changeable things, it is subject to change, dies, and is reborn. This will continue as long as it does not catch the unchangeable. It must rise on the sound current and reach Sach Khand, the place of perpetual bliss.
Do strengthen your faith, make the mind motionless; and when it becomes motionless, it will begin to see within. For instance, if you shut a boy indoors, the first thing he does is to break the doors and windows; and when he cannot find a way out, he gets tired and sits quietly. He then begins to see what lies in the room. Mind is like the restless boy. It has to be closed in against its will, and when it acquires a taste for the interior, it does not go outside.
Maharaj Sawan Singh, Spiritual Gems
Only Meditation Will Lead to Liberation
If the smell of food could satisfy hunger,
Why would food be cooked in every home?
If a glance at water could quench thirst,
Why would water be stored in every home?
Looking at the shade of a tree gives no relief
Until one sits under it.
Songs about the glory of the Lord
Bear fruit only if there is firm faith in the heart.
Just knowing about the path leads nowhere –
Only meditation will lead to liberation.…
Repeat the Lord’s Name incessantly.
Tukaram, Ceaseless Song of Devotion