The Master Answers
A selection of questions and answers with Maharaj Charan Singh
Q: Even when sitting and meditating without concentrating – the mind may be wandering – does even that have its own value?
A: That has its own value. If we are always frightened that we will never be able to walk, then we will never be able to walk. Even if out of two hours, you get only ten minutes of real concentration to your credit, it’s worth having. The next day, you may be able to get fifteen minutes of concentration; the third day you may be able to add another ten minutes. Slowly and slowly, you will be able to increase your time. If during the first day you sit for two hours and you say, “I don’t concentrate at all,” and from then on you don’t sit in meditation, that is no good. We must give our proper time to simran and meditation every day.
Die to Live
Q: Master, will this forced meditation bring about good meditation ?
A: Yes, naturally. When one is not in the habit of sitting at all, the first step is that one has to force oneself to sit at least. To sit stillis a great credit, and when you learn to sit still, then you learn also to still your mind. The first problem is to still the body. It doesn’t want to sit in one place even for twenty minutes. So first you get into the habit of stilling the body, then you get the habit of stilling the mind.
Die to Live
Q: When you begin to approach that level and the wrappings of the soul are being removed, how do you feel?
A: When the wrappings are being removed, you first see that Light and all those things inside your own self, and you know that the wrappings are being removed. Then you become nobler, more loving, and more and more devotion for the Father comes in you. When the clouds start disappearing, then the light of the sun starts shining. You always know when the clouds disperse and light comes. Similarly, you also know about yourself. When the mind becomes better or purer or nobler, that Light penetrates you, and your whole attitude in life changes, your characteristics and approach to life change.
Die to Live
Q: How are we brought to meditation?
A: By the grace of the Lord. There is no other way. We may say that we have become devotees of the Lord because we have found the right teachings, we have found the path, we have found the Master. It would be quite wrong to think so. Actually, when He wants to put us on the path, when He wants to give us His devotion, He creates such circumstances that we have no other option but to follow that path. We are ultimately drawn to the path. It is all in His hands. When He wishes it, everything becomes clear to us. First is His grace. With His grace, we will meet a Master. Through contact with the Master, we will be put on the path, and with our efforts we invoke His grace to travel on that path until ultimately our practice will lead us to our home and we merge back into Him. Everything is interconnected. Without the Lord’s grace, nothing can happen.
The Master Answers