At Peace in the Word of the Lord
Gentle showers of the Lord came upon me, granting rest,
and He caused a cloud of peace to hang above my head,
which protected me at all times,
and became the source of my salvation.Though all things were shaken and afraid,
smoke and judgment rising from them,
I was at peace in the Word of the Lord.More than shelter was He to me,
and more than a foundation.
I was carried like a child by his mother,
and He gave me milk, the Dew of the Lord.And I grew strong through His gift,
and rested in His perfection.
And I spread out my hands in the ascent of my soul,
and turned myself towards the Most High,
and was redeemed by Him.Hallelujah.
John Davidson, The Odes of Solomon: Mystical Songs from the Time of Jesus