Leaving Everything Else Aside
Maharaj Charan Singh has stated that this creation has been created “perfectly imperfect”. If it were not so, it could not continue, as the souls would be liberated. Kal has to make sure that no one escapes without paying the karmic account in full. Therefore the mind will ultimately use everything in its power to retard the soul’s progress. The mind will be led astray to get itself entangled in sowing and reaping, until such time as a marked soul is brought into the presence of a perfect living Master.
When that moment arrives, such a soul should lose no time in getting hold of the lifeline that is being given to him. If a seeker forfeits this ultimate gift of release from the wheel of birth and death -reincarnation and transmigration – it might not easily come again. The privilege of the human form is given only after the soul has evolved through the cycle of 8,400,000 species, and who knows how many times a seeker might have already completed the cycle? Soami Ji says in Sar Bachan:
Leaving everything else aside, one must implicitly obey the Satguru of his own time, and faithfully follow his instructions. This will lead him to success. This is the long and short of everything.
For an initiate this means that everything is finalized through initiation. Sant Mat tells us that our fate karma, some sinchit karmas and perhaps even some kriyaman karma have to be paid off in this life, and this can be done through steadfast meditation.
All that the Master asks of us is absolute obedience to the way of life he has prescribed, and daily meditation. This will earn us his grace, and his grace will break the bonds that tie us to the creation. It’s his grace that will help us clear our karmas. If the initiate implicitly obeys the Satguru, he cannot remain in this creation a moment longer than it takes to pay off the karmas. It is that simple.
Maharaj Charan Singh says that we should concentrate on simran, as ultimately this is what will take us to the Radiant Form of the Master. Simran is the repetition of the five holy names which are entrusted to us at the time of our initiation. This is our lifeline. Hazur Maharaj Ji has compared it to a child enjoying the fair, the worldly show, while holding on to his father’s hand. But when we let go of his hand, when we forget our simran, we feel unhappy and uncomfortable, lonely, and desperately lost. The moment simran continues, the sun shines through again.
Baba Jaimal Singh gives the following advice:
Be concerned only with your meditation. The affairs of the world will take their own course; they just go on and never come to an end.… Bhajan and simran is our real work.… This will always remain with us, as it is the Satguru’s gift. This gift will grow, and never diminish.
Spiritual Letters
You and other satsangis are urged to keep doing your bhajan and simran. If there are mosquitoes around, that’s good. At least you will get up at night to do your meditation!
Spiritual Letters