True Wealth
I ask my Friend,
In this temporary life
what could true wealth be?
And he says,
One who senses life’s fleeting nature
and keeps his composure
is here to search for that permanence
that this impermanence hides,
for when one’s heart is cleared
of the storm that rages there
this very chaos points one Home
to the still centre where all answers are found.
I want to tell him that I know what he means.
I want to tell him that it was in his presence
that I first realized what a heart cleared of rage feels like.
But his eyes invite me to silence
and remind me of his command,
“One can never say enough about one’s Master –
the less said the better.”
And I become silent
for I have learnt that he is always right.
And I hear my heart quietly whisper,
True wealth is realized, not publicized.
Original poem by a satsangi