Did You Know?
What is meant by being at the eye centre? It means you don’t let your mind scatter into the world. You don’t lose your balance. Your mind is absolutely still, and you’re always contented and feel happiness, and radiate happiness. That will be the effect of stilling the mind: you’re always happy, nothing bothers you.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Die to Live
When you sit in bhajan, begin by attaching the mind and attention to the Sound that you hear first – which is like that of a grain handmill, or a steam locomotive, or an oven going full blast – and keep the faculty of inner seeing and hearing directed upward to focus on where the Sound is coming from. Then attach the mind and attention to the Sound of the bell, and next to that of the conch. The soul will then gently savour the bliss, and one day it will surely reach Sach Khand. Please do not be in a hurry. When the soul becomes steadfast in its love for the Sound, a bond is then forged with the Shabd-dhun. Thus step by step, slowly, slowly, the mind is tamed. One day you will certainly reach Sach Khand.
Baba Jaimal Singh, Spiritual Letters
Never hurt the feelings of anyone. This is a sin which even God himself does not pardon, because it cuts at the very root of spirituality. We should not thrust our views on others. An attitude of humility should be adopted and we should always speak kindly.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, The Science of the Soul