- Spiritual Link
Spiritual Link
Initiation in This Dark Age
A Selection from The Path of the Masters
In this Kal Yuga, the Dark or ‘Iron’ Age, the ills of life upon this planet have greatly multiplied. Hence, the mercy and loving sympathy of Sat Purush, the great Father, has led him to meet the willing-minded more than halfway. Now practically every person who feels inclined toward the Satguru and wishes to follow his path is accepted by him. To reach that momentous decision is the one thing of paramount importance in all one’s life. What is the result? Many initiates, entering the path half-heartedly and but ill-prepared, naturally fall by the wayside when assailed by severe temptation. But what is the harm? Some good has been done. The precious seed has been lodged in their minds and their souls. Sooner or later they all must return to the path. … In the meantime they have been greatly helped in their upward struggles. This is done out of great mercy and loving-kindness of the Satguru himself and the Supreme One.
The main point is that each individual who gets initiation, after ages of pain and struggle, has at last come to the decision to place his destiny in the hands of the Guru, and of his own free will and accord has asked for initiation. The final liberation of that soul is absolutely assured. Nothing in the universe can possibly defeat that end. It is only a question of a little time. What does it matter if that soul does stumble frequently before he learns to run alone?
One more significant point must not be overlooked. The critic has no right to demand perfection in the character and conduct of every initiate. … The important point is that if they do stumble and fall, they fall with their faces towards the light.
Volume 10 · Issue 12
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In The Book of Mirdad we read a proof text of the human condition: Man is a god in swaddling-bands. Time is a swaddling-band. Space is a swaddling-band …
At some point in our lives each of us will be faced with a major life change: an event that alters our life in such a way that we are never quite …
Consider, if you will, the law of cause and effect. We can observe this law in action every day in front of our eyes, yet we seldom give it much …
A Selection from The Path of the Masters …
Somebody once complained to Hazur Maharaj Ji that the path was very difficult. “No,” he said, “it’s not difficult. It’s just long.” For those of …
When we look at the world around us with its splendid variety of life, and at the night sky with all its magnificent stars, galaxies and constellations …
When we feel all alone, whether we’re actually alone or in the midst of a crowd (and sometimes we can feel intensely alone while surrounded by …
There’s a parable about a good king and one of his subjects. The king has an agreement with his subject: he wants his subject to carry out a …
Here and now, in this physical world, we are human beings. The term ‘human being’ is made of two parts, which reflect our two identities: the …
The Book of Mystical Chapters: Meditations on the Soul’s Ascent from the Desert Fathers and Other Early Christian Contemplatives …