Something to Think About
Was It a Loss?
A crow once flew into the sky with a piece of meat in its beak. Twenty crows set out in pursuit of it and attacked it viciously.
The crow finally let the piece of meat drop. Its pursuers then left it alone and flew shrieking after the morsel.
Said the crow, “I’ve lost the meat and gained this peaceful sky.”
Said a Zen monk,
“When my house burned down I got an unobstructed view of the moon at night!”
Anthony de Mello, The Song of the Bird
Life itself is very simple, but we have complicated it so much that we now find it hard to live…. What do we really need in this world? If we look broadly at our needs, how few we have! How much can one eat? How much can one wear? How many places to sleep do we need? These things are good if you gain time for yourself, if you can live a relaxed, happy life.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. III