Lifting Us Higher
The sweet melody of the verse Prabhuji Tu Mere Praan Aadhare – “Dear Lord, you are my life support” – streamed through the speakers, filling the air with anticipation. Thousands had gathered for the question-and-answer session in the satsang shed at the Dera, earnestly waiting for the Master to arrive.
So many faces in the crowd, young and old. Everyone had a story to tell, a history of circumstances that had brought them to this point in their life. Everyone with problems, some with commonplace difficulties and others more heavily burdened by the load they have to carry both mentally and emotionally.
As soon as the curtain opened, all eyes were riveted on the stage as the Master entered. Smiles appeared on the gloomy faces as the sangat absorbed the bliss and comfort of the moment. Currents of tenderness enfolded the crowd like a warm blanket on a cold winter night.
How true are the words from the book Sultan Bahu:
If you wish to be in God’s presence, go and sit in the presence of a perfect Master.… Beholding him gives peace and bliss to the heart and soul.
One by one, the young men and women stood up to ask their questions, baring their souls, oblivious to the crowd that bore witness to this personal exchange with their beloved teacher. Those of us who sat there and listened could not help but laugh when the questioners laughed and cry when they cried.
With every response, the Master guided the sangat on how to live with truth, honesty and balance. His directive was unwavering even as he joked with the crowd, leaving everyone in peels of laughter.
It is amazing how he manages to lift our spirits to such heights, leaving us to float slowly back down to earth after his departure. Like dried leaves that have been blown upwards by a whirlwind, we swirl lightly back to the ground, pulled by the unwelcome force of gravity.
One is reminded of the song: “Your love is lifting me higher, higher than I’ve ever been lifted before…”
With every meeting, he lifts our spirits with his immense love. The heavy weight that we were carrying on our shoulders seem lighter and almost nonexistent. He knows how much we need to have this contact with him to give us the strength to carry on. The road is hard for everyone. But he moves our focal point to all the positives in our life. He is like a photographer who focuses the camera lens, adjusting all the settings, so that he can take the perfect shot.
The purpose of the physical form of the Master is simply to fill us with love and devotion for the Father, to put us on the path and to bring us in touch with the Spirit. With the help of the physical form, we are finally able to attach ourselves to the Word and become one with the Spirit within.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Thus Saith the Master
It is through the Lord’s grace that the Masters are sent to this world to show us the way home. It is also the Lord’s grace that draws us into their presence. We need a friend, a true companion, someone to keep us on track.
Our past positive actions through many lifetimes and the grace of Shabd have brought us into the presence of a living Master. Since the time of our birth, the Master has been with us. He is our true companion. Whenever we have been in sorrow or despair, at the lowest points in our life, the Master has been there, waiting for us to realize the illusion in which we exist.
Living Meditation
Each time we meet him, we do not want to leave, and wish by some miracle that time could just stand still. Our only respite is that we know in our hearts that there is no goodbye. This is how he pulls us and renews our determination to meditate and look for him within.