Something to Think About
Signpost and Destination
The devil once went for a walk with a friend. They saw a man ahead of them stoop down and pick up something from the ground.
“What did that man find?” asked the friend.
“A piece of truth,” said the devil.
“Doesn’t that disturb you?” asked the friend.
“No,” said the devil. “I shall let him make a belief out of it.”
A religious belief is a signpost pointing the way to truth. When you cling to the signpost you are prevented from moving toward the truth because you think you have it already.
Anthony de Mello, The Song of the Bird
All books and literature are just to satisfy our intellect. All meetings are just to satisfy our intellect, convince us and then to create an atmosphere for meditation, that’s all.… These are all the means, but if we don’t attend to the end, the means are useless to us.
Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. I
Open your inner eye, the eye of the soul … our brain’s reasoning can properly value and understand only those things that are known through the physical senses. Things on the other side as well as God himself can be realized only by the soul.
Quest for Light