Sound and Light Within
Mystics tell us that when we begin the inner journey we will experience the various lights and sounds that mark the way. These lights and sounds are not physical. They exist in the inner regions and are manifestations of the light and music that issue from our own soul. …
The lights and sounds we experience within help us on our spiritual journey. Like a magnet, Shabd pulls our soul upward toward the Lord. The sound emanating from the Shabd helps us find the direction to our true home; its light helps us stay on course and complete the journey. The soul’s power of seeing the radiance of Shabd is called nirat, and its power of hearing its sound is called surat. …
If we go out for a walk at night after dark and get lost, how can we find our way home? We can stand still for a while and listen for sounds coming from our house – the television for example. From the direction of the sound we can determine where our house is, but we need a light to illuminate the path so that we don’t get scratched by thorns, fall into ditches, or experience other difficulties. Similarly, the light of the Shabd illuminates the path within.
Once the disciple connects his consciousness with the inner light, he need no longer dwell in darkness. The state of darkness is where the layers of karma covering our soul obscure its light; it is the level where death is an ever-lurking fear. The inner light shines upon the realized souls, illuminating the path to God-realization and to freedom from the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. …
Within the light we will discover a sweet and captivating music. On seeing this light and hearing the celestial music, we will automatically lose our taste for the world and, instead, develop intense love for the Lord.
The Holy Name