The Repartee of the Wise
A disciple once asked the Great Master, “Is long life always a good thing?” The Great Master replied, “No, a long life is useless unless devoted to Shabd and spent in the service of Sat Purush under the direction of the Satguru.”
With a Great Master in India
During Maharaj Charan Singh’s trip to Minneapolis, before the Master faced the television cameras for his brief explanation of Sant Mat philosophy, he was told by the interviewer how the tense and agitated atmosphere that normally prevailed in the studios had been almost dramatically transformed by his presence into one of peace and tranquility, and was asked the reason for this extraordinary change. With his characteristic smile, he replied simply, “If one’s mind is at peace, it also radiates peace.”
Heaven on Earth
A mystic was once asked, “What is to be done to achieve awareness?” He replied, “Consider your life’s duration as no more than the breath you are drawing in at present.”