The Master Answers
A selection of questions and answers with Maharaj Charan Singh
Q: If the world is becoming worse and worse, after it becomes so evil, will it destroy itself?
A: No, sister. The world was like this, is like this, and will remain like this. History does not encourage us to believe that there was ever peace in this world. Nations always have been fighting against each other. People always have been killing each other. Tribes always have been fighting one another for existence. The fate of the world will remain the same. There will never be peace in the world, there never was peace in the world. As long as the mind is there, human conflict will remain the same. The question is one of degree, sister. Sometimes there is a little more conflict, sometimes a little less. The purpose of the saints is to take us away. We are all prisoners here. The purpose of the saints is to unlock the prison-house, to set us free. That is their mission, their purpose and that is what their teachings tell us.
The Master Answers
Q: Is there a link in between the initiate and the Master?
A: Yes, as you have read in the Bible, Christ has referred to it somewhere by saying that I have been sent by the Father and I have been sent only to collect those whom he has marked. I have just come to collect my sheep and take them back to the Father. Every saint is sent into this world for particular souls – allotted souls, and those souls alone will come to him. They alone will have faith in him. They alone will be receptive to his teachings. They alone will practise meditation and go back to the Father. So, it is always with the grace of the Father that a disciple is drawn to the Master, and the Master initiates him and he works his way back to the Lord.
The Master Answers
Q: If we are marked souls and this marking is due to our past good karma, do we have any reason to be proud of our past good karma? Why are we the marked souls?
A: The marking is done by the Lord, and he knows best whom to mark and when to mark. Rather than feel proud, we should be humble and grateful for having been marked. If the Lord’s grace is there, we should be more humble and grateful. As to why he marks certain souls, he knows best. We can’t limit his power, we can’t limit his discrimination. He can mark anybody he likes. Weshould only accept and do our bit, our duty.
Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. I
Q: Master, I have heard that it’s gratitude which promotes that receptivity to meditate. How can we develop a greater sense of gratitude, so that we can be more receptive?
A: By attending to that pull from within. The more effort you make, the more receptive you will become. The more receptive you will become, the more effort you will be able to make. We have to build that atmosphere in which we can build our treasure in heaven.
You see, atmosphere counts a lot for meditation. That is why there is so much literature which we read, so many meetings, satsangs, discussions. All that is just to build that atmosphere for meditation, to help us be a source of strength to each other, so that we can help each other attend to our meditation. These are all means, strong means to that end. All these things make us receptive to that meditation.
Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. II