Know Your Goal
Where is my life going? Why do I wake up in the mornings? What is the purpose of all the seemingly senseless actions I perform every day, each one requiring precious energy, each one absorbing my attention, each one pulling me in a different direction?
How much easier the journey across the ocean of life when we have a clear sense of the port which we are making for. In the light of that single goal a thousand small actions and adjustments are made with clarity and meaning.
The winds of change and ceaseless action constantly beset us from every angle. Like the master mariner who always holds the final port of call before him, we learn to adjust the sails of our lives accordingly. … Even a head-on gale is met by tacking from side to side, but always forward in the direction of the goal. There is no confusion, no complaining that life is unpredictable or unfair, just a steady flow of appropriate and meaningful action.
Conversely, in an aimless life no wind is the right wind. Enormous energy is dissipated in arbitrary and repetitive doing. There is no joy independent of circumstances, no actions wholly appropriate to conditions, no meaning, just reacting.…
We are shaped by the vision of what we might become. And when that overarching goal is the Ocean of Love itself our lives begin to reflect and tell the story of love. Dimly through the mists of consciousness and mental heaviness, the compass needle of the soul starts to feel the invisible pull of the great magnet which is the God of Love.… One day in the great evolutionary journey of the soul a voice from the deep rises up into consciousness and says ‘I want God, I want to Know.’