He Worships Himself Through Us
Q: Master, you said something about when we were brought down to this creation and we didn’t have a choice. And I wondered if that is the reason why we love it so much?
A: Sister, Guru Nanak says, if you go on washing the earth, there will be no end to it, you will never be able to reach the bottom, what to say of clearing our karmas, our sins. We are humans, we can’t help it. We can escape from this realm only with the Lord’s grace. If you say we can escape by our effort, by our intellect – it’s impossible. We can do it only by his grace.
We are all condemned to this creation, and we can’t help it. We have been made like that. It’s not even our fault…. Guru Nanak says that we humans will always act like this. If we want to account for our karmas, there will be no limit to it. We will never be able to escape. What we need is his grace. When his grace is there, circumstances combine in such a way that we want to get out of the creation. We come to the path, we get the opportunity to meditate. We get the facilities, the atmosphere. We feel his love, his devotion, and we turn our back to the world and look to him. All these things come just by his grace. It’s not that we have done something to deserve all that. We have done nothing….
We can never do anything to deserve his love. He just gives it and gives it. We are too small-fry to even invoke his grace. If the master won’t come with his grace, then who will? It is nothing but his grace that we get so much pull and love for the Lord from within. Unless he pulls from within, nobody can even think about the Father. Actually, he worships himself through us. When he wants to pull us to his own level, he worships himself through us. We are just helpless.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. II