Preface to the Fifth Edition - Die to Live

Preface to the Fifth Edition

Die To Live, this collection of Maharaj Charan Singh’s answers to questions about meditation, continues to be popular with initiates and seekers alike.

Meditation constitutes the basis of the teachings of the saints. It is the way to God, an inspiration to the mind to seek Him, and food for the soul starving for union with the Beloved.

After spreading the message of divine love for almost forty years, carrying Sant Mat to almost all parts of the world and initiating about 1,300,000 seekers in the technique of spiritual practice, Maharaj Charan Singh left this world on June 1, 1990, to merge back into the Supreme Father.

On May 30, 1990, two days before his departure, he made a Will appointing Baba Gurinder Singh as his successor who has taken up the heavy responsibility of looking after and guiding the satsangis and seekers with spiritual insight, love and dedication.

We have pleasure in bringing out the fifth edition of Die To Live and are confident that the readers will continue to derive spiritual benefit and bliss from the Master’s inspiring words.

Sewa Singh
Radha Soami Satsang Beas