Gift of Life
When a son is born, drums of joy we beat,
Let’s give our sweet daughter the gift of life ... Why do we murder her in the womb?
When a daughter is born, we mourn in grief!
Why do we stifle her innocent screams?
What is her fault, after all?
Differences between boy and girl,
We have created them all. When a son is born, drums of joy we beat,
When a daughter is born, we mourn in grief! Why do we inflict such pain on our girls?
Why do we reject this gift from the Lord?
Why have we snuffed out the light in two homes?
Without shame we trade her away for a price.
In the large dowry market we make profit from boys,
No fear of the Lord, no fear of Law,
In our greed for wealth, we forget it all. Let’s give our sweet daughter the gift of life ... The source of all life, the power of love,
The coolness of shade, the soul of the family,
The safety of mother’s lap ... who can forget?
Her eyes brimming with love, who can forget?
The cuddles of a daughter, the love of a wife,
The blessings of a mother ... Who can forget? Let’s give our sweet daughter the gift of life ... Give her the wealth of a great education.
Give her equal opportunities, a great foundation.
Give her the respect and esteem you give all.
Is a daughter less than anyone, after all? She’s been head of the village, president, prime minister;
Astronaut, doctor, professor, engineer, she has been;
In science, in spirituality, in literature and the arts,
In every sphere she’s succeeded, she’s won. Why do we murder her in the womb?
Why do we stifle this innocent’s screams? Change! Old attitudes – it is time to change them.
Change! Old customs – it is time to change them.
Awaken! And listen to the voice of your conscience.
Be fearless! Have faith in the all-knowing Lord.
Become a good human in the eyes of the Lord. When the Lord is one and our soul is of the Lord,
Then why this distinction between women and men? Let’s give our sweet daughter the gift of life ... Then one day, drums will reverberate,
Daughters and sons, both, we will celebrate! Let’s give our sweet daughter the gift of life ...

Mom, Dad,
It is you who brought me into this world.
Give me a chance.
Souls are not male or female.
You are as beautiful and as powerful
as any other soul in the universe.
Dr Brian L. Weiss