Something to Think About
Why does our search for the Lord prove fruitless? First, he is not to be found where we seek him. And he cannot be grasped by the intellect with which we want to grasp him. He cannot be seen with the eyes with which we want to see him. The so-called guides that we take cannot lead us to his abode. We cannot find him unless he himself comes to us in the Master’s garb and opens our inner eyes.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, The Science of the Soul
God is nearer to you than anything, he is not far away. But it is a rare devotee, a gurumukh, who gives up his own way of thinking, receives instruction from a Guru and goes inside. For gurmukhs like that, he is near, whereas for those who don’t go inside, he is far away.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, Discourses on Sant Mat
Every time you repeat a Name attentively, you are trying to rise up, and sooner or later the eye focus will become the headquarters of your attention. Patiently persevere, avoid hurry, and with a calm mind sit in the spiritual exercises. The determination and faith should be so strong that even if nothing comes out of it until the last moment of life, there is no wavering of faith.
Maharaj Sawan Singh, The Dawn of Light