Celestial Melody
The flute has suddenly burst forth into melody!
On hearing it I have forgotten all other things.I am shot with the wondrous shafts of Unstruck Music;
And the world appears fake, false its pursuits.
O Master, I have come to bargain
for a sight of your face
I have forgotten all other things.
The flute has suddenly burst forth into melody!Now I have entrapped the restless deer.
He it was who had tied me down
I have taught him the prayer of love;
Only a verse or two remains to be taught.
The flute has suddenly burst forth into melody!O, the Spouse of Bullah, I now cry in ecstasy,
When the lord has played upon the flute.
Driven crazy by its notes I run to you.
Where do the seekers wander in quest of you?The flute has suddenly burst forth into melody!
On hearing it I have forgotten all other things.
Bulleh Shah