Something to Think About
Our birthdays serve only to remind us that time is passing and so much precious valuable time has gone. If it has been devoted to simran and bhajan, then it has been properly utilized; otherwise it has just been wasted. Therefore, a birthday is a good time to take stock of oneself and make a renewed and determined effort to devote more time to simran and bhajan, thus utilizing the time to best advantage. Unless we do this, the whole life is wasted because the very purpose of life in the human form is to attain God-realization. This cannot be done without love and devotion coupled with his grace, which in turn is the result of regular simran and bhajan.
Maharaj Charan Singh, Light on Sant Mat
You can’t be sluggish and do this work. Rather, you have to make the body work in a systematic way. If you think the body belongs to you, it won’t work; use it as though it’s been hired and it belongs to somebody else.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, Discourses on Sant Mat, Vol. II
Attend to all your worldly duties but keep your love and faith in the Satguru’s lotus feet, because our breaths and morsels of food are all numbered. Worldly work is for our livelihood, meditation for salvation - attend to both. As for the rest, tell your mind that you will not obey its behests – keep the Satguru’s teachings always alive in the mind.
Baba Jaimal Singh, Spiritual Letters