Heart to Heart
Some sevadars reminisced about Maharaj Ji’s great love for the sevadars and how much attention he gave to their simplest desires and wishes.
One morning, Maharaj Ji came to the main bhojan bhandar (canteen), where the staff members were eating. Maharaj Ji walked amongst the diners, then took food and sat with them. He paid Rs. 2.50. He asked the staff members about the quality of the food. It was good, they said, but they wanted achar (pickle). He arranged for achar. The sevadars were common, humble men. The Master was tender and gave attention to their needs. He is pleased with simple people.
In the canteen for sevadars, tea was given at breakfast, at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. The canteen was running at a loss, so the administration stopped the 1:00 p.m. tea. Maharaj Ji came and saw this. He told the sevadar in-charge to reduce the price of tea from 20 paise to 10 paise and reinstate the 1:00 p.m. tea. “This is all for the sevadars,” he said. He told them that if there was a loss, he was happy; if there was a profit, he was unhappy. His only concern was for the sevadars.
Labour of Love
In a question and answer session, a disciple asked Hazur, “Don’t the Masters feel some pain on our behalf?”
Hazur replied, “Don’t worry about the suffering of the Master; the body may suffer, but the soul never suffers at all. The body belongs to Kal, the prince of this world. Masters don’t bother about that at all. Their soul never suffers. The soul is always at peace and happy.
Spiritual Perspectives, Vol. III