Yours Affectionately
I am glad to learn that after long and patient waiting you have received initiation. You have been put in touch with the sound current. This is the connecting link between your soul and the Creator. Your mind with all its paraphernalia is the disturbing element or the curtain that keeps the soul away from the current. All else besides the current is negative, therefore illusory and transitory, changing and changeable, dispersing and distressing.
The force of the negative power will decrease in proportion to the attention given to the current. The first step is to come within; that is, our thoughts should be confined to what lies within us, for it is only then that we can be said to be sitting within ourselves and only then will we feel at peace.
Just as a wanderer in a forest loses his way and finds no rest till he returns to his home, similarly our attention remains outside. It is always directed outward through the nine portals of the body. It remains in communion with the outside objects or their impressions, and this habit has become so fixed that we can hold our attention within us for barely a second. The Western mind even abhors the idea of vacancy.
The attention has to be brought inside, and when it likes to rest there, like the wanderer coming home, it will find peace within. This bringing in of the attention is done by repeating the five holy names in the manner you have been told. Repetition should be done with the attention held at the eye focus. Repetition without fixing the attention is no good. This repetition with attention impresses on your mind the idea of what lies within you and tries to take you there.
From the time of initiation, when the Master takes over the charge of a soul, he is more anxious than the soul to see it installed on the throne of bliss and peace. Even if the devotee, through some chance, leaves the Master or loses faith in him, he, on his part, never leaves. He will someday bring the devotee on the path again. His mission is to take souls up, and a soul once initiated is never deserted. This is the law.
Maharaj Sawan Singh, The Dawn of Light