- Spiritual Link
Spiritual Link
The Cloud of Unknowing
How the work of contemplation (meditation) shall be done; of its excellence over all other works.
This is what you are to do: lift your heart up to the Lord, with a gentle stirring of love desiring him for his own sake and not for his gifts. Centre all your attention and desire on him and let this be the sole concern of your mind and heart. Do all in your power to forget everything else, keeping your thoughts and desires free from involvement with God’s creatures or their affairs whether in general or in particular. Perhaps this will seem like an irresponsible attitude, but I tell you, let them all be; pay no attention to them.
What I am describing here is the contemplative work of the spirit. It is this which gives God the greatest delight … and so diligently persevere until you feel joy in it. For in the beginning it is usual to feel nothing but a kind of darkness about your mind; or as it were, a cloud of unknowing. You will seem to know nothing except a naked intent toward God in the depth of your being.
The Cloud of Unknowing, edited by William Johnstone
You can make up for a deficiency in devotion only by devotion…. Look in this direction – the solution is meditation; look the other way – it’s still meditation.
And the root of all devotion is Guru Bhakti, devotion for the Master.
Maharaj Jagat Singh, Discourses on Sant Mat, Vol. II
Volume 6 · Issue 11
[November 2010](2010-11.html
The Master’s love for the disciple who surrenders himself completely is immense …
The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when …
In this extract from a discourse, Maharaj Charan Singh directs the seeker after truth to follow a Master …
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Introduction : The mind is as sly as a fox. It deceives us in the most unimaginable ways …
How many times in our life have we asked the question: “Master, why me? Why is this happening to me?” …
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In Light on St Matthew, Maharaj Charan Singh explains the parable of the talents that Christ told his disciples (Bible, Matthew 25: 14-30) …
Q. In the books, it is often said that we should adjust our life to attend to our meditation regularly and punctually. Could you please speak about …
Sant Mat writings include many different topics – the soul, the Shabd, the Master, the vows, meditation, and the disciple’s way of life …
Insincere Prayers …
You tell me nothing new: you are not the only one that is troubled by wandering thoughts ….I believe one remedy for this is to confess our faults …
How the work of contemplation (meditation) shall be done; of its excellence over all other works …
The extract that follows is from a discourse by Maharaj Jagat Singh on a shabd by Soami Ji Maharaj …
Dearest Daughter, When I left you last month you were “walking on air” (your own words) after little Lally’s birth, and feeling that you were …
This article is based around Mira’s devotional poem entitled ‘The Day is Short’. Mira was a royal princess who, when she was eighteen, married …
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