- Spiritual Link
Spiritual Link
Hindi हिन्दी
The Elect of God
The elect of God are those
who meet with his approval;
they receive honour in his court.
They stand gracefully at the royal portals,
meditating one-pointedly on the Guru.
Whoever reflects on the creation
and tries to describe it will realize
that beyond count are the works of the Creator.
The mythical bull of dharma
is born of God’s compassion,
and contentment brings order to the system.
One who realizes the truth will understand
what kind of load the bull carries,
for there are worlds beyond worlds,
universes beyond universes –
what power is supporting their weight?
The ever-flowing pen has specified
the kind, colour and form of every creature.
If someone knew how to relate that account –
how colossal would that account be!
Who can fathom the scale of his bounty,
his awesome power, his superb beauty?
With but one Word he created this vast expanse;
from that one Word
a million streams of life began to flow.
How can I fathom your power,
as I am not in the least worthy
to sacrifice myself to you?
Only that is a good deed which earns your pleasure,
eternal and inviolate as you are, O formless Lord!
Guru Nanak Dev, Jap Ji
Volume 21 • Issue 2
The elect of God are those who meet with his approval; they receive honour in his court …
The present moment may be one of the most underrated and undervalued aspects of our lives as human beings …
When we consider what we know, we may realize that we only know a fraction of what there is to know, and this knowledge is confined to the material realm …
One of our greatest gifts is that of friendship. Human beings are company-loving by nature …
The Master often speaks of the importance of building a relationship with the Lord …
We have been drawn to our path and received initiation, but this does not mean we have found God. …
The Lord in whom are contained many creations, Dwells within me …
Our perception of everything is based on our perspectives, which are coloured by the information we have available to us and our unconscious biases …
We often hear it said that our Master asks very little of us in return for all that he does …
We live in a troubled world, and consequently, we all have troubles to work through …
An extract from Ramcharitmanas …
Novice to Master: An Ongoing Lesson in the Extent of My Own Stupidity …